Video Stories

Being well aware that video is going to play an increasing role in digital marketing, I have worked to introduce more video into the social media feeds I manage at Illinois Tech. I got my start with a special project to commemorate Illinois Tech's Alumni Award Winners, working with the trained videographers and editors of  IIT Online, which films all of our university events. Once my department's budget was cut, and it was no longer possible to work with IIT Online, I did my own zero-budget film production and editing. I'm working to acquire better equipment for more polished results.

Facebook Series: A Day in the Life of a Scarlet Hawk Alum

In 2018, I conceived and launched a new initiative to engage our alumni and grow our social media following organically: the "Day in the Life of a Scarlet Hawk Alum" Facebook video series. I worked with the senior communications leadership of LinkedIn to acquire footage and approval for this video, with alumna Katie Johnson and I taking most of the non-office footage. I also edited the video and conducted the interviews with Katie along with a fellow Alumni Relations team member. Our plan is to compile videos from alumni all over the world.

Year-End Review Video: 2018

After our central marketing office added a professional videographer to their team, I suggested that they make a "2018 Year in Review" video and submitted the "Top 10" lists my team had created for the year as a starting point. This is the polished piece that resulted.